My brothers and I.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Track! :D

So track is in this season! I'm excited because it's really fun and you get to meet people and have a good time. Well my team went against a school (of course) and the boys' who were on were REALLY good looking I mean REALLY so nicely tan and they had nice calves so HOOTTT!!

Track! :D

So track is in this season! I'm excited because it's really fun and you get to meet people and have a good time. Well my team went against a school (of course) and the boys' who were on were REALLY good looking I mean REALLY so nicely tan and they had nice calves so HOOTTT!!

Sunday, March 25, 2012


I've had a kind of boreing week. I havent blogged in forever so i decided to come on! Well actually my mother has been constently telling to blog. So here I am blogging away. This last  week was Spring break. Sounds fun and exciting right? No. Not for me. I didn't really do anything. The only thing that was fun was going to see the movie " The Hunger games" with a good friend of mine. I had to babysit twice in a row the first time was with a three year old that I always babysit, she's not bad she is just really hyper alot and really cute. Then the other two were brother of the ages, two to four. The four year old kept urinating in his pants which I found ridiculous because he should be potty trained by now. The two year kept wondering off so I had to keep him in my sight. I went to my friends house and I've known them for a long time. They are SO funny you never go to their house without laughing. I saw my bestest friend twice ONCE this whole break, didnt even hang out together. Anyways, thats how my Spring Break was.

Monday, October 24, 2011

My fun, crazy, life! :)

I love to meet new people. Always have, always will. I love to have fun wiht my friends! My family comes first in my life and it will stay that way. I'm a " Mommies Girl" and it has always been that way. I get really crazy with my friends, we always have so much fun. I want to meet Justin Bieber so bad because I'm basicaly in love with him! Okay, well this is all I can think of right now, so bye!!